"Believe in your infinite potential. Your only limitations are those you set upon yourself"

― Roy. T. Bennett

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Life Art Development à la Carte

Welcome to Life Art

It is never too late to become a person you want to be.

Why Life Art? Living your life to the fullest is an art. We are all artists creating our lives, but we need to find and develop our skills. We will support you on your journey to fulfill your determination to test, seek, learn and create new things.

What are you looking for?

Where to find inspiration and how to achieve that your personal and professional life become your work of art?

We offer professional support in the management and development of human resources.

I want to achieve my goal

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I want your advice and/or solution

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I want to get the know-how and apply it

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We are honoured to accompany you on your journey:

M.C. Triton Slovakia, s.r.o. Epicor Software Slovakia, s.r.o. PIXEL Federation s.r.o. Heineken Slovensko, a.s. Soitron, a.s. Charita Olomouc Slovenská sporiteľna, a.s. MERCK, spol. s.r.o. Martinus.sk, s.r.o. OMS, spol. s.r.o. Swiss Re Scientia, a.s. IKEA Components, s.r.o. T-Systems Slovakia, s.r.o. Euro CoC, spol. s.r.o. ARRIVA a.s. Disig, a.s. IKEA Industry, s.r.o. LYRECO CE, SE Mondelez

Always dream and shoot higher than you know you can do. Be the better version of yourself

About us

Head Trainer & Coach: Katarína Trgiňová

“Everything I do in my private and professional life, I do with absolute commitment. When working with my clients, I put emphasis on the human approach and I focus on the best possible result that can be used in practice. I always use my own experience and I constantly develop in my profession. Cooperation with a number of professionals who share the same values as I have enabled me to accommodate various client requests for training also with other coaches.”


Katarína Trgiňová

Professional development

Training certificates: BRIEF Solution Focused Coaching (London, 2013)

Standing in Contribution: Training for Trainers, Erickson College (Antalya, 2011)

The Art & Science of Coaching (TASC), Erickson College (Praha, 2008-2010)

Trainer assistant of Dr. Marilyn Atkinson & Rae T. Chois, TASC Summer Intensive, Erickson College (Vancouver, 2012)

  • 2012

    Life Art, s.r.o

    coaching, training and consultancy

  • 2006


    training, consulting and coaching

  • 2001 - 2004

    Slovak Telekom, a.s

    HR development specialist, internal trainer


You are welcome to contact us to get more information or to see an example of a training or coaching session. In case you are interested in a meeting to discuss the personal development or HR development of your company, do not hesitate to contact us.

Life Art, s.r.o

+421 905 240 708

Billing information

Palárikova 10,
Bratislava 811 05

Company ID: 46483951
TAX ID: 202340117
VAT: SK2023401171